Who in Massachusetts Should Get Auto Insurance?
Per Massachusetts General Law, every vehicle registered in the State of Massachusetts must carry Compulsory Insurance coverage, also referred to as State minimum requirements. There are four parts to Compulsory coverage:
- Bodily Injury to Others, which will pay damages to people injured or killed by your auto while on public roads within Massachusetts
- Personal Injury Protection, which will pay benefits including medical expenses, lost wages and replacement services for passengers injured inside your auto, or if you are a pedestrian injured by an auto; regardless who is at-fault for the accident
- Bodily Injury Caused by an Uninsured Auto, will provide coverage for people injured, or killed, in accidents caused by and uninsured motorist, or hit-and-run accidents where the other party cannot be identified
- Property Damage, will cover damage to someone else’s property damaged in an auto accident
While the State minimum insurance requirements provide a basic level of auto protection, many drivers will need to purchase higher limits of Property Damage for sufficient coverage.

What Other Auto Insurance Coverages Are Available?
In addition to the state-mandated coverage, insurers offer a number of optional insurance coverage. The additional, optional auto coverages are:
- Optional Bodily Injury to Others, which will pay damages to people injured or killed by accident if you or a household member is legally responsible for the accident. Unlike Compulsory Bodily Injury to Others, this part provides coverage for injuries to guest occupants and for accidents occurring outside of Massachusetts
- Medical Payments, will pay reasonable expenses for necessary medical and funeral services incurred as a result of an accident
- Collision and Limited Collision, designed to cover direct damage to the policyholder’s vehicle caused by a collision
- Comprehensive, will pay for direct or accidental damage to your auto resulting from an incident other than a collision
- Substitute Transportation, will reimburse policyholders for the cost of renting a vehicle while your auto is being repaired after an accident
- Towing and Labor, which is designed to reimburse the policyholder for expenses incurred each time your auto is disabled
- Bodily Injury Caused by an Underinsured Auto, will pay damages to people injured or killed as a result of an accident where the responsible party carriers insurance limits less than your own policy limits
Emergency Roadside Assistance, GAP coverage, Disappearing Deductible and Accident Forgiveness are among a few additional optional endorsements some insurance carriers provide. Ask one of our Personal Lines agents about purchasing optional coverage and endorsements.
What is the Difference Between Comprehensive and Collision Coverage?
Both comprehensive and collision coverage extend coverage to the various loss types that may happen to your auto. Comprehensive coverage offers protection for incidents that don’t involve other motor vehicles. For example, comprehensive coverage will protect against:
- Objects that fall onto your auto
- If an auto strikes an animal
- Theft of your auto
- Vandalism damage to your auto
- Flood damage to your auto
- Glass damage
Collision coverage provides protection against damage sustained to your auto that is involved in an accident with one or more automobiles
- Single vehicle collisions
- Head-on collisions
- Rear-end collisions
- Multi-vehicle pileups

How Can Drivers Save on Their Auto Policies’ Premiums?
Insurers offer several discount programs to help differentiate themselves from other carriers. However, there are several ways Massachusetts drivers can reduce their auto policy premiums regardless of their insurance carrier.
- Earn credit by combining multiple insurance policies with the same carrier, such as homeowners, condominium or tenant policies with your auto policy
- Roadside Assistance Club members may receive additional discounts on their premium
- Maintaining continuous years of insurance, without a lapse in coverage, will help to secure lower rates
- Low mileage credits are offered by most insurance carriers
- Earn discounts through the Safe Driver Insurance Plan (SDIP) for having a clean driving record

How Can Drivers in Massachusetts Purchase Car Insurance?
Searching for the optimal car insurance policy for you requires both weighing personal risk and comparing the rates available policies. For help with each of these aspects, contact one of our experienced agents today!
As an independent agency, we can compare policies from our multiple insurers, enabling you the ability to maximize your coverage while keeping your premium affordable.