What Can Death Benefits Be Used For?
Death benefits can be used for almost any legal purpose. Depending on a policyholder’s wishes and their beneficiaries’ needs, benefits might also be used for:
- Helping dependents cope with the loss of income
- Funding a loved one’s first home purchase or college tuition
- Paying the maintenance and taxes associated with a family estate
- Paying off any outstanding debt of the policyholder
- Covering the policyholder’s funeral and burial expenses
- Managing other financial needs or goals that beneficiaries have
When benefits are left to an organization, they may be used to fund a specific project, create a scholarship, add to an endowment among several other options.
What is the Difference Between Term and Whole Life Coverage?
Life coverage comes in two forms: term and whole life policies. Both forms of coverage provide death benefits, but they differ significantly in how long they provide coverage and the services they provide.
Term Life policies generally only provide death benefits, and those benefits are typically offered for a defined period of time such as 10, 20 or 30 years. Since these policies only offer death benefits and their coverage is limited to a specific period, their premiums are often more affordable.
Whole Life policies normally offer a combination of death benefits and investment options. They also differ from term policies in that they are designed to provide coverage for a policyholder’s lifetime. Whole Life policy’s premiums will change over time as the policy matures. However, the investments within the policy also typically increase, and the interest generated from those investments are frequently used to pay the policy’s premium. Even though whole life policy premiums may increase, they remain affordable in most cases due to the investment interest growth.

Who in Massachusetts Needs Life Coverage?
All Massachusetts residents can benefit from having Life coverage. Anyone that has dependents should strongly consider life coverage. This includes:
- Individuals that wish to share their wealth with family members after their death
- Parents who provide childcare for their children
- Grandparents who want to give to their grandchildren
- Anyone who has more debt than assets

How Can Residents of Massachusetts Get Life Insurance?
Selecting life coverage is a major decision. It can be difficult to determine what cause of death a policy must include, or selecting the appropriate amount of coverage. These are important choices regarding one’s financial stability for their family’s future. Massachusetts residents can discuss their options with one of our professional agents experienced in writing Life Insurance policies. Our agents will help define your goals, narrow your options and answer all of your important questions. We can even compare the rates to ensure optimal coverage for the best value!